Lots of people are talking about slavery these days. Haiti is one the countries that still has a form of slavery. They call them RESTAVEK. They are kids who live with a family and are there for service all day everyday with no pay and lots of punishment...mental and physical. If those families were to practice love and 'adopt' the kids as one of their own, it would be a different story. But as it happens in reality, the RESTAVEK system destroys both the servant and the 'master' family. They live a twisted reality, and it goes from generation to generation. A family with a 'slave' isn't a healthy family. It is indeed destructive to the whole family structure. It is one thing that keeps Haitians from thriving.
In the 1700's and 1800's, slavery in the USA destroyed black families. Government regulations in the 1900's paid poor women to live without the father of their children. More black families were destroyed. Wherever families are destroyed, society degenerates. Would a movement that talks about black lives have the destruction of the black family as a goal ? It cannot. It's not hard (for me) to see that the family is God's plan. Children grow under the united leadership of mother and father. Progressive culture is threatened by that simple plan. People have the idea that 'their' idea is superior. And so, the family is under attack. We all know that not every family can look like the model image. That (for me) is why the Psalms talk about God being father to the fatherless. God is the ultimate parent. Still, the family remains God's plan in general for most. (Let's all thank God He can do great things in horrific situations!) If Satan is the enemy of God, wouldn't he work to destroy what God establishes and blesses? It's not hard (for me) to see the hand behind the attacks on the family. It all makes sense if you believe what the Bible teaches about life on earth. Black families matter. All families matter. It's easy to see, and easy to say. My time in Haiti has often been spent strengthening families...helping young people to make good decisions about their future, helping couples to work together, helping kids to be obedient. I believe in the family. I believe families matter. Any culture that desires to make progress must address the family. Black families are key to future of black society in America, in Haiti, in the world. Black families matter.
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