The ASAPH Academy of Football (AAF) was active this summer. Kids were training in the early mornings and there was a series of weekend games with area teams. When kids play soccer, there is always the potential for injury. AAF is there.
As I sat at my house one summer morning, the coach brought a young man holding his arm. Tears were in his eyes. He had leaped up in the air (during a training session) next to a defender to head a ball. He headed the ball successfully, but landed on his wrist. He was in pain. We did our unprofessional tests trying to determine the severity. Finally, we decided it deserved an x-ray. ASAPH funds were used to cover fuel costs for fellow missionary KEVIN SCHROCK from Iowa to drive the boy and his coach to the hospital. The X-rays proved our original evaluation that there was no break, only a sprain. ASAPH funds covered the hospital visit. A week later the boy was back on the field playing. During a Saturday late-afternoon game, another boy was in the mix for a corner kick that came lofting into the box. The player beside him jumped, and his elbow hit the ASAPH player on top of his newly shaved head. The skin separated and blood poured out. ASAPH was there! We got the boy to sit down and opened the ASAPH first aid kit and applied a compress. Soon the bleeding stopped and he was fine. I'm returning to Haiti with more supplies. I purchased a supply of gauze and tape. AND I now have a set of inflatable splints should we ever get a broken bone. In my 25 years in the community of PBO, only one or two bones have been broken during soccer games. I hope we'll never need these supplies, but we have them just in case. Without support from ASAPH sponsors, these items would not be available to the sweet young players of ASAPH Football Academy. THANK YOU!!!
Another month here in the USA has gone by again. I am preparing for a November return to Haiti.
It's always a pleasure seeing family and friends. It's nice to enjoy church family as well, though each Sunday finds me somewhere different lately. And enjoying autumn in PA is always a treat. I've had fresh apples, ginger snaps, and pumpkin stuff. I've enjoyed leaves, football, and cool breezes on a walks outside. I return to Haiti with plans for the Asaph Brass Band to expand its ministry to new places and to continue developing our concert programs. We continue to play His music, with His message for His glory. I am excited as well about the Asaph Academy of Football. It is basically a scouting program that is quite dramatically affecting over 30 boys as they grow into men. In addition, I will continue to teach the 11-14 year old Sunday school class and work with the worship team in the local church. I have hopes of promoting the ASAPH RADIO programs I recorded years ago and that have been stagnant recently. Pray for the ministry in a little town we call Pasbwadom, Haiti. THANKS! Martin Luther. He was a man. He was a monk. He was Martin.
It is amazing how much one man could change the thinking of so many. He dispelled darkness. He opened doors to Truth. He stood up against a system that told him to sit down. He was a man. He fought with himself to get close to God. He prayed. He worked. He repented. He worked harder. And then, he found the grace that God offers in Christ's sacrifice. He used new technology to spread 'his' message...printed flyers. He used language that was offensive and brutal at times, especially when attacking someone who didn't think the way he did. He was no saint, nor was he an angel. He was Martin. Here's hoping you will re-think his life on the anniversary of the 95 statements he posted on the Christian church's Facebook page in October of 1517. Re-think grace. Re-think relationship with God Almighty. Read a book about him. Visit a special service. Celebrate Martin Luther. Celebrate the Word of God. Once again the ASAPH TEACHING CENTER is functioning while I am home. Five years ago I would have locked up the place. Not any more.
Serge, Bernadin, Jimmy and Canado are teaching brass beginners. Teddy is leading rehearsals. Judes is doing the Bible memorization program. Erntz is teaching bass. Jn-Pierre and Leonel are teaching a soccer referee course (as I type these words!) ASAPH Teaching Center is about teaching. And that happens even while I am here in the USA. July 17th 1992 - July 17th 2017
I enjoyed a day in a beach resort. It was nice! We were the only ones there that Monday morning. There I was with some good friends swimming around in a huge pool complete with a bar IN THE WATER (not opened on a Monday morning!). They gave us access to the big speaker, and so John Denver was singing over the whole resort. The pool is along the beach, so you can wade and watch the ocean waves coming in. Then we ate a fine meal around a table under the coconut trees. We swam again...and again. We explored the resort. It was delightful. A great way to celebrate 25 years of ministry in the same little corner of the globe. It was my first and only trip to the resort. I hope to be back. To book your trip, come on down and visit us! Busy, busy, busy. That was the summer of 2017. I flew to Haiti on July 4th...turns out it was a very low travel day! Huge soccer tournament on July 8th, parade on 9th, visit from Jack Mackley on the 12th. Then it was band camp. Then a beginner seminar.
Busy is great. Good things are happening at Asaph. The brass band was inspired by Jack Mackley, by attending a funeral where we observed a professional brass band, and by meeting Sammy Buissereth (a Haitian man who grew up in the USA playing in marching band). We thank God for every inspired musician growing at ATM. The Asaph Academy of Football team brought a championship home to Pasbwadom. The local chapter of Compassion Int'l was also crowned champion this summer in a big soccer tournament. AND a choir from a local church won a choir competition for the second time in two years. Wow! YES, WE CAN! Those of us in the little community of PBO felt the reality in that little phrase lately. |
Andy StumpMissionary in Haiti. Archives
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